Use cases

Healthcare, Healthcare Example

The problem

Christine is having lunch at her desk when, one of a sudden her stomach starts to bother her. She’s already got an appointment to get it checked in the next two weeks, but she needs to reschedule it for today.
On the other hand, Jason is a known doctor in his region and has multiple appointments to handle every day, but it is impossible for him to keep up with a constantly ringing phone. Is there any solution for both of them?

Analysis of the problem

The real problem is people don’t want to call and wait before they could schedule important appointments and medical staff can’t always be answering this kind of calls in time.

This occurs as:

People are getting annoyed when they have to wait for a phone call.

Patients in pain need a faster way to make an appointment.

Medical Institutes are sometimes understaffed.

Healthcare, Healthcare Example

Routee’s Solution

With Routee’s Google RCS, Christine can pick up the phone and send a message to her doctor asking to reschedule her appointment. Immediately she receives a response which includes an interactive appointment calendar, where she can state the exact time she wants to meet the doctor. Now Christine has her appointment rescheduled without waiting in calling lines and Dr Jason didn’t even pick up his phone.

Healthcare, Healthcare Example

You need a platform that can:

Increase customer loyalty

Improve customer relationships

Provide your customers with interactive means of communication

Healthcare, Healthcare Example

Routee can

Send automated messages, triggered by keywords

Provide an easy to use, multifunctional API and interface.

Enable transactions to your RCS messages.

Give you real-time insight regarding your customers.

Upgrade to Routee today!