Use cases

, Media Example 3

The problem

Carla has millions of customer numbers since 2005 on her data base, but not all her promotional SMSs reach their destination. As a result, her business spends more money than it should on promotional messages that haven’t any recipients, simply because not all the gathered numbers are valid.

Analysis of the problem

The real problem is databases are not always updated and accurate leading to a huge budget loss.

This occurs as:

Customers sometimes give wrong numbers by mistake

There are several websites that generate fake numbers

Many users change numbers for personal reasons over the years

, Media Example 3

Routee's Solution

Routee knows the struggle businesses face with invalid numbers and presents Number Validation service, which can track invalid, fake numbers and immediately deletes them from your contact lists.

, Media Example 3

You need a platform that:

Can clear your database from outdated numbers in no time.

Reduces your unnecessary expenses.

, Media Example 3

Routee can

Validate phone numbers in real time.

Discover important information about the owner.

Identify the number type before sending a text message.

Extract data to CRM and any other system.

Upgrade to Routee today!