Use cases
The problem
A popular university with a steady upward trend in the ranking of universities is organizing an event celebrating 50 years of operation dedicated to its students. The marketing department thought of allowing students to decide the venue and date of the event as well as the artists who will perform for that special day.
The director suggests providing students with three options for each case. The option with the most votes will be selected. But they need a way to ask every student and gather this data in a centralized database.
Analysis of the problem
The usual way of doing this kind of campaigns, emails, is not so effective as it takes too long to gather all the satisfying data. Calling the students would have been even more time-consuming.
This occurs as your audience:
Is not used to taking part in Email Surveys
Would prefer a more convenient way to communicate
They do not check their email that often
Routee's Solution
Routee gives them the chance to set up a survey quickly and efficiently with an expected increase in response rates by up to 50%. Not everyone is ready to provide feedback through a phone survey or even through e-mail. SMS survey is the easiest way to collect audience feedback.
They used SMS Survey and instantly reached their targeting audience. In fact, Routee helped them achieve a better response rate, save time and resources, and allowed them to plan the event in a more professional manner.
You need a platform that:
Sends and receives SMS to and from a list of people.
Provides reports for every SMS sent.
Presents you data in a complete and centralized way.
Routee can
Send scheduled SMS Surveys.
Receive and store SMS responses.
Provide you with all the information regarding your incoming data.