Gather data on any mobile number worldwide
Convert your contact numbers into marketing data with our Phone Number Lookup services. Identify the location and carrier operators of your customers and eliminate outbound calls to invalid and unused mobile numbers to achieve greater market reach.
Try our Phone Number Lookup Service
of businesses see a year-over-year reduction in campaign costs when using Phone Number Lookup services.
of organizations suffer from data errors that can be easily avoided with Phone Number Lookup.
of organizations face sales and marketing challenges due to invalid and non-optimized contact information.

Phone Number Lookup Service Highlights
Benefit from our highly efficient Routee interface and swift API to create a useful and effective workflow, employing correct and optimized contact data for each customer communication.
Efficient API and interface
The Routee Phone Number Lookup service is available in more than 220 countries. No matter where your business is located, you can rely on Routee’s Phone Number Lookup service to optimize your communications.
Worldwide coverage
Simple pricing plans. Pay only for the service your company uses. No minimum volume, no credits and no bundling. Post-paid accounts are available for qualified customers where a deposit may be required.
Leverage accurate contact information with Phone Number Lookup generated data that come with real-time portability and roaming details. Strengthen your marketing campaigns where segmentation is key.
Real-time lookup
Features Comparison Table
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Use Cases
Check if a number is mobile or fixed before sending an authentication SMS to improve efficiency and boost conversion rates. With Phone Number Lookup, you can minimize the number of calls to wrong or disconnected numbers.
Optimize the delivery of one-time PINs. For businesses in the financial sector, Phone Number Lookup can also be integrated with the Routee’s Database Cleaning service to provide detailed and validated customer insights. Augment your sales and customer service operations with Routee.
Call center
Handling thousands of calls every day, call centers depend on our Phone Number Lookup service to ensure that each call placed reaches the right person at the right time, eliminating invalid or wrong numbers and unnecessary charges.
Promoting your products and services via SMS or voice marketing is a proven way to reach receptive customers. Phone Number Lookup makes sure you reach the right people on the right number, crossed referenced with your CRM platform to always bring in a sale.
It's easy to get started!
Gain with Routee
Database cleaning
Identify unused and inactive contact numbers in your company’s databases, reduce costs on mobile messaging and landline calls.
Enable real-time number portability lookups to optimize your message and voice routing, utilizing advanced automated features included in the Database Cleaning package.
Increase delivery rate success
Clean your lists and improve routing before sending outbound messages and voice calls. Verify if a phone number is valid, reachable and accessible.
Advanced tools
Perform advanced phone number validation using the most up-to-date numbering plans, carrier and line type detection with the Routee Phone Number Lookup service.
Routee differences
Mobile operators
in 12 countries
A solution
for every obstacle
AMD Telecom
Powered by one of the world leaders in connected technology, Routee uses AMD Telecom to ensure your business has robust, reliable and scalable automated marketing services you can trust and count on day-after-day.