Account authentication with 2FA Missed Call
Execute missed calls from a randomly generated number to authenticate accounts fast and securely. Use the last four digits of the missed call number as a cost-effective two-factor authentication solution that is easy to set up and customize. Authenticate your processes and services anywhere in the world with the 2FA tools by Routee.
Boost customer confidence
Adds a protection layer that eliminates the risk of a password database breach.
Accelerate acquisitions
Improves the user experience of both the registration and authentication process.
Take security to the next level
Elevates authentication security to FinTech industry standards.
Add a second layer of user authentication with 2FA services from Routee. Consumer trust is reinforced with password-enabled applications that efficiently authenticate your valued customers’ identity.

Service Highlights
Pin generation
Routee has the back-end logic necessary for secure PIN code generation. Each code is tied to an individual user and can only be used once.
Intelligent failover
Automatically resend PIN codes via Text-to-Speech to customers through a single API request without generating additional codes.
Global delivery
With Routee’s comprehensive coverage spanning 360 telecommunication networks in 190 countries, your one-time PIN delivery is guaranteed.
Grant privacy
Enable authentication without compromising privacy. Create a safe space for generating Missed Calls for your users.
Easy to implement
Two-factor authentication can be easily added to any service or software application using the Routee 2FA API.
Gain new insights
Control the customer interaction process and analyze the generated data to gain new insights for your business.
Learn how to activate Two-Factor Authentication
Use Cases
Marketing Agencies
Online users often participate in contests posted on social media. Once a winner is found, marketing agencies can send an authentication PIN to the winner via a missed call with 100% accuracy and discretion, as posting personal details publicly would be a compromise of user privacy agreements.

Verifying phone numbers during the registration process of new users prevents bots from creating bulk accounts that strain your systems and resources. The 2FA Missed Call security feature eradicates the risk of spam more effectively than CAPTCHA. Users enter a PIN sent to their phones at login and enjoy a better overall experience.

Customers provide their phone numbers to register on a website and opt-in to use Missed Call-based two-factor authentication for their transactions. They then receive a site-side generated authentication Missed Call to their phone with a unique PIN to complete their money transfers securely.
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Gain with Routee
A single API provides a complete 2FA solution, from authentication management to message automation. Streamline your workflow and save on company resources.
Unlike other two-factor authentication methods that require special hardware or a dedicated app, the Routee solution works with any mobile or fixed line number with call identification enabled.
Just provide us with a phone number and we will take care of the rest. We generate the codes, localize numbers and use the fastest channel available to optimize your communications.
Guaranteed delivery
Because the user is in the process of logging in, instant message delivery is critical. Our two-factor authentication solution is fast, efficient and dependable.
Two-factor authentication protects apps and online services from malicious attacks, fraud and data breaches. Adopting advanced security methods, builds on customer confidence and reinforces brand loyalty.
No more fallbacks needed
It takes less than 10 seconds for a missed call to take place. The customer then verifies a PIN on the screen and the process is completed. It is impossible not to receive the PIN directly or misplace it.
Routee differences
report of SMS
Simple API based & platform integration
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AMD Telecom
Powered by one of the world leaders in connected technology, Routee uses AMD Telecom to ensure your business has robust, reliable and scalable automated marketing services you can trust and count on day-after-day.